27 Aug

Smudging is a traditional smoke ritual originating from North American native culture over 2000 years ago. This ritual is used to heal, bless, cleanse, and purify negative energy in and around you, creating a sacred space for your soul, your home & your family. It is much like a positive energetic wash or bath.

Plant herbs are traditionally used for these rituals in a form of a stick, the most common one being White Sage or Desert Sage. Other traditional plants that are used for this are Cedar, Sweetgrass or Tobacco, although there are many others that can be used today in the modern world, such as, Rosemary, Lavender, Rose, lemongrass, Bay Leaves, Sandelwood, Frankincens, Myrrh, to name a few.

I really love the Native Tradition of burning the smudge using the four elements: Water, Earth, Fire & Air. The way this is performed is firstly by using A bowl like shell called Abalone, this represents the water 💦  element. Next is earth 🌍 which of course is the plant or smudge stick that you will burn. The third is fire 🔥 burning the smudge with a lighter or match and then when the fire goes out it creates smoke to emit from the smudge, which is the fourth and finale element air 💨.

To choose the smudge stick or plant that is perfect for you, here are a list of some that can be used:

Sage - Warding off evil spirits, protection, purification and infections.

Rosemary - (This is one of my favourites, next to sage) Negative energy, stress relieve, headaches and is a natural air purifier.

Sweetgrass - Attracts positive energy and light, clears negative thoughts.

Cedar - Great for cleansing energy of a new home, elliminating unwanted energies.

Tobacco - This smudge is not to be taken lightly! It opens a veil to call on the spirits to ask for help and guidance.

Rose - This is used for heart healing, for unconditional love, & desire giving and receiving.

Bay Leaves - Open up your psychic channels, great for dream work. Attracts & Manifests wealth.

Lavender - Release fear, bring positivity, calms the mind, opens the heart chakra and protects the spirit.

To perform the ritual you have to set an intention, thinking about shifting negatively stuck stagnant energy that you want to release, bring in spirit guides, animals or guardian angels and cleanse from room to room - That is a good place to start, allow you instinct to guide you.

To be clear there is no right or wrong way to perform a ritual, trust your gut and go with it!

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