Adding a 60 minute session to your celebration or party at home, or a venue of your choice, is a great way to relax and find a better way of coping with a possibly chaotic lifestyle, or maybe your wedding day is coming up and you need to distress, or you are just looking for a great way to treat you, your friends & family for some much needed bonding time. This class helps to achieve a beautiful flawless complexion, facial symmetry, strengthens muscle tone and helps release toxic-buildup.

  • Category: Business
  • Service Duration: 01:00 Hours
  • Address: UK (Map)
  • Price:£195



This class also encourages balance, creating more peace and calm by using various self healing techniques, like face yoga, face massage +, breathwork, pressure point technique, EFT(Tapping), Lyphatic Drainage, Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Qi Gong To finish off.